Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Amazing Wedding Present

Okay. I've been debating about adding this tidbit for the past few days but I am just so thrilled I had to share.

As some of you know I am getting married in March. YAY!!! I am super excited about that as you can imagine.

But... this post isn't about the wedding. It's about the most amazing present that I have ever received. I am still in shock.
My Wedding Present!

5 month old paint filly that I have named Reba

I guess a little history is in order here. I have been wanting another horse for years but it has always been a "one of these days" things ie: when we have more money, when I lose weight, etc, etc. It was just one of those things I really, really wanted but was a completely self indulgent want... not a need.

Yes, I was one of those horse crazy kids that could never get enough time at the stables or in the saddle. I dreamed, breathed and lived horses 24/7. When I was 12 my parents bought me my first horse that was all mine. I was in heaven. He was a buckskin gelding named Samson and was my best friend for years.

Well, I got older and the inevitable happened. I discovered boys. Needless to say I took time off from horses and got married and raised a family but  I never forgot those wonderful days of my childhood. 

I have scanned horse sites on the internet for years, daydreaming of owning another horse but figuring now isn't the right time. We have too many other things that are more important. You know how it goes... everything else comes first. 

Well, my wonderful fiance' knew this was something I really wanted and decided my "want" was a priority. :)

So I now have this wonderful little filly... how awesome is that?! 

Oh and did you notice her markings? It looks like she has a bird and a puppy on her side. Wonder if they will still look that way when she sheds her winter coat?

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